Wireless Networking
How to Configure EnGenius EnStation5 AC Point to Point Bridge Mode and EnGenius Discovery Tool
Hello Friends,
In this article we will know about EnGenius EnSatation5-AC 5Ghz
First let me explain what are the usage of this product in real life. if you want to connect 2 location for share Data,Video and Voice with Internet you can use this product. this product come with 1 Pair devices. so that i device will work as Access Point and Second one work as Station/Client. you can connect more the 1 station with Access Point. there are lots of Wireless Devices available in market but again lets comes to this product specification and features.
This device use some special frequencies cause it has 5Ghz + AC it there.
AC device have double power of beam forming and bandwidth capacity and the Frequencies are unique which reduce the air traffic conflicts.
You can watch the above video to configure it: some basic require information i am sharing here.
Default Username: admin Password: admin
Default IP Address:
Default Country: No Country you may need to select after purchase as per your current country.
Default Channel: 80 Mhz
Defauilt SSID : ModelName+Last6MACAddress_1
Default SSID Security : None (Open By Default)
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