Linux Commands Cheat Sheet

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Linux Cheat Sheet

Here, we have attempted to cover the widely used Linux commands in the Linux Command Cheat Sheet. With new Linux distributions, there are chances of a few commands getting deprecated. So, make sure you keep up with the new releases, their new additions, and commands which are rendered deprecated.


aliasLists all your current aliases It allows one command to be substituted by another.alias home=’cd home/hackr/public_html’
set -xIt is a built-in function that is used to define the values of the system environment.set [--aefhkntuvx[argument]], where a, e, f, h, k, n, t, u, v, x are the different options that can be used with this command.
\The backslash character is used to override any aliases. 
scriptIt automatically creates a typescript or a capture-log of a session and writes it to a file. It includes all commands and their outputs as well.script [options] [file]
~The tilde character is used as an alias to a user’s home directory.  
resetIt reinitializes your current terminal. This is generally useful when a program dies leaving the terminal in an abnormal state.reset [terminal] There are a number of options that can be used with reset to customize the output.
exitCloses your current terminal or logs out. Also, CTRL+D can be used.exit
logoutLogs out of the current terminal. Also, CTRL+D can be used.logout
echoRepeats anything that is typed after it.echo “text” echo rm -R
historyIt is used to list the log of typed commands. history n – Lists the last n number of commands  !<command_name> will list the last command typed with <command_name>


CTRL + DIt is an end-of-file key combination and can be used to log out of any terminal.
CTRL + ZThis key combination is used to stop a process. Also, it can be used to run a background process.
CTRL + A | CTRL + EThese key combinations are used to navigate to the start and the end of a line on the command line.
CTRL + KUsed to delete what is in the front of the cursor.
CTRL + YPastes the last text that was deleted.
CTRL + WCuts or deletes the entire line that has been typed.
ScreenThis command is used to switch between multiple virtual terminals. It is mainly useful with remote login. By default, you start with one terminal. CTRL + A & C can be used to create a new virtual terminal.
CTRL + NCTRL + N is used to go to the next virtual terminal
CTRL + PCTRL + P is used to go to the previous virtual terminal.
CTRL + CThis combination key breaks/kills a process that is running on the terminal.
CTRL + ALT + DELThis key combination can be used from a terminal to reboot or shutdown. Here the user does not have to be logged in.

3. HELP 

manDisplays the summary of a program from an online <program_name> man -f: Lists the details associated with the command. man -K <keyword> : searches the manual for the specified keyword.
infoGives a more detailed hyper-text manual on a particular <program_name>
whatisDescribes a program in one-line.whatis <program_name>
aproposIt searches the database for strings.apropos <string>


>Send information to a file1 file2 > file1_and2.txt
<Inserts information into a text file. It is generally used with other commands that are used to extract information through standard input.Ex: tr ‘[A-Z]’ ‘[a-z]’ <filename.txt >newfilename.txt 
>>Appends information at the end of file. It creates the file if it does not exist. 
<<It is mainly used in shell scripting. It is also used with command that are used to extract information.  
2>Used for redirecting error output. 
|It sends the output of one command as an input for another command. 
TeeSends the output of a file to the standard output.tee -options file_name.txt
&>Used to redirect output to a specific locationmake &> /dev/null
Command Substitution
` `Used to direct the output of the second command to the first command.1st_command `2nd_command -options`
$Used to direct the output of the second command to the first command.1st_command $(2nd Command)
|Used to direct the output of the second command to the first command1 | command2
Multiple Commands
&&Runs the 2nd command only if the 1st command runs successfully.1stcommand && 2nd Command
||Runs the 2nd command only if the 2nd command does not run successfully.1st Command || 2nd Command
;2nd Command is executed after the 1st Command is executed.1st Command; 2nd Command


accessThis command is used to check if a program has access to a specified file or whether the file exists or not.access (const char *path, int mode)
awkThis command is a scripting language used for manipulating data and generating reports.awk -options filename.txt
batchThis command is used to read commands from the standard input or a file and execute them when permitted by system load levels.batch
bcUsed for command line calculatorbc -options file_name.txt
cdChange Directory. Used to go to the previous directory. Can be used with the absolute path or the relative  cd pathname
lsLists files and directories. Does not list hidden files or directoriesls -options, where options can be l, a, d, F, S, R.
pwdPrint the current working directorypwd
treeLists all files and directory recursively.tree
findThis is used to search for files on a filesystem. The search can be customized with many options.find / -name file 
slocateLists all the files in the system that match the specified patternslocate string
whereisIt locates the source, binary and the manual page for a particular program.whereis program_name
whichIt only looks for the executable programwhich program_name
mkdirMake Directory. mkdir Dir1 mkdir -p /home/dir1/dir2/dir3 This command creates dir1, dir2 and dir3 as it goes.
rmRemoves or delete a file or a directoryrm -options file_or_folder
rmdirRemoves an empty directory.rmdir directory
mvUsed to move a file or directory to another location. It can also be used to rename a file or a existing_file/folder new_location
cpCopy a file cp -options file_to_be_copied new_location
lnUsed to create a link to a file. Links can be hard-links or symbolic links. A hard-link is a reference to a file while a symbolic-link is similar to a shortcut link.ln target_name link_name ln -s target_name link_name
shredOverwrites a file and removes it in order to make it irretrievable by the software or hardware.shred -n 2 -z -v /dev/hda1
duIt is used to display information about the file size. It can also be used on directories, which then displays the information about all the size of all the files and subdirectories.du -options file_name/directory_name
fileIt shows the type of a particular file. It displays the inode number, creation data/access date along with some advanced options.file file_name
statGive detailed information about a file.stat file
ddUsed to create copies of disks, perform conversions on files and very the block size while writing the file.dd operand dd option dd inputfile_path outputfile_path
touchUsed to create empty files.  It is also used to increase the timestamps on the file. touch -t 09072019 filename.txt
splitIt is used to split files into several small files. split -options filename split -b xx – splits the file into xx bytes, split -k xx – splits the file into xx kilobytes split -m xx – splits the file into xx megabytes
renameIt is used to rename files as per regular expression.rename -options file_name


timeIt is a utility that measures the time taken by a program to execute. time program_name options
/procThe files under /proc displays system information. cat /proc/cpuinfo – displays information about the CPU.
dmsegThis command is used to print the contents of the bootup messages displayed by the kernel. This is particularly useful in debugging issues.dmseg
dfDisplays the information about the space on the mounted file-systems.df -options /dev/hdx
whoDisplays information about the logged in users including their login time.who
wThis command displays who are logged in into the system and the processes they are running. w
usersThis command prints the name of the currently logged in users.users
lastThis command displays the time of the logged-out users. This also displays the information when the computer was rebooted.last
lastlogDisplays a list of the users and the time/day of their login.lastlog
whoamiIt tells the username of the logged in user.whoami – it does not need or take any options.
freeDisplays memory status. (Total, Used, Free, cached, Swap)free -tm, where t displays the total statistics and m displays the space in megabytes.
uptime | wIt displays how long the computer has been up and running. Additionally, it displays the number of users and the processor load. 
unameIt is used to display system information such as OS type, kernel version, etc.uname -options, where the options can be – a, n, m, s, r, p
xargsThis command is used to run a command as many times as required. Ex: ls | xargs grep “search string” The various options that go with it are:
  • Nx, lx, p, t, i.
dateIt is used to display the system. It can also be used to set the date/ -s hh:mm:ss
calThis command displays the calendar of the current -y – Displays the calendar of the specific year.
acpiThis command is used to display the battery status and other ACPI(Advanced Configuration and Power Information) related  information.acpi -options Using different options will give different system information.
acpi_availableThis command is used to test if the ACPI subsystem is available.acpi-available
aptitude This command opens up a highly built-in interface to interact with the package manager of the machine. 


procThis command gives information about the hard- /proc/ide0/had
fdiskIt gives information on any hard drives that is connected to the system and their partitions. fdisk 
shutdown nowIt starts the process of shut-down immediately. This command can also mean go to a single user mode. This command can also be used to shutdown a system at a particular time.shutdown now
haltThis command shuts down the system immediately.same as shutdown -h
rebootThis command is used to reboot the computer immediately.same as shutdown -r
psThis displays the list of processes running on the system. When used without any options, it lists the processes run by the current user in the controlling -aux: lists all processes run by all users.
pstreeLists all the processes in a tree structure.pstree -p: lists all processes along with their ID’s
pgrepThis command is used for finding processes via keyword terms. Generally, this command returns only the PID no. It can be used to list process names or via usernames. pgrep
topThis command is used to list process in the order of CPU usage. It has many additional options that go with it, which helps to get the desired
killThis command is used to kill a process. It requires the pid or the id of the process.kill pid kill %id
killallThis command is used to kill a process by its name. killall -v: will make the process report if the kill was successful. killall -i – will prompt the user to confirm before attempting the kill.
pkillThis command is used to kill a process specified by a regular expression. pkill process_name pkill -u: is used to kill the processes of a certain user.
skillIt is used to continue, kill, stop the process. The process can be specified via username, command name or process-id.Ex: skill -stop unauthorised_username
jobsIt displays the list of currently running jobs in order of execution. This command is available only in bash, csh, ksh and tcsh [job_name]
bgIt runs a process in the background. An & sign at the end of the command can also be used to run a job at the background. bg job_number bg  job_name
fgThis command is used to bring a process at the foreground. This will take over your current terminal. fg job_number fg job_id
niceThis command is used to set the CPU priority for a process. In order to set a higher priority for a process, the user needs to be a root user. However, any user can lower the priority of a process. nice -20 <process_name>: sets the maximum priority nice 20 <process_name>:: sets the minimum priority
reniceChanges the priority of an existing command. 
sniceAlong with changing the priorities of a process, snice can also be used to stop, continue or kill a process.snice -upctvi, where u,p,c,t,v,I are all options that make snice perform differently.
serviceIt allows to perform different tasks on services.service -sfR, where s, f, R are all different options that can be used with it. 
autoconfThis command is used in Linux to generate configuration scripts. 


su usernameThis command is used to switch to a different username. In order to return to the original username, you need to type exit or use username
rootThis is the superuser. The overall power of the system lies with this user. This includes all administrative powers as well.  
chshThis command is used to change the login shell. chsh [enter] <shell_name> to be used every time you login.
chfnThis command is used to change the finger information. This change is reflected in the /ect/passwd filechfn user_name
passwdThis command can only be executed by the root user. It allows the user to change the password of a user.passwd username


viIt is a very powerful text editor which is known for its minimal use of resources. 
emacsIt is an advanced text editor which enables a user to browse the internet, play games, chat, etc. 
headWhen used without any options, it shows the first 10 lines of a file.head -n x, where x specifies the number of lines to be displayed from the top.
tailWhen used without any options, it is used to show the last 10 lines of a file.tail -n x, where x specifies the number of lines to be displayed from the last.
lessThis command enables to view text and scroll backwards and forwards.less <file-name>
moreThis command enables to view one page at a time. 
catUsed to concatenate/combine multiple files into one. cat <file_1> <file_2> > <new_file>
tacCombines multiple files into one, however the files will be combines in reverse order.tac <file_1> <file_2> > <new_file>
z* | bz* commandsCommands can be prefixed with a z in order to allow them to work within a gzip compressed file. 
wcThis returns the word count in a text file. wc -wlc <filename>, where w returns the number of words, l returns the number of lines and c returns the number fo characters.
styleThis command allows to run various readability tests on a file. style -options <file_name>
cmpThis command is used to determine the differences between two files, at the binary level.cmp -option filename1.txt filename2.txt
diffThis command outputs the difference in text between two files. diff <flie_name1> <file_name2>
sdiffThis command displays the file contents in two columns.sdiff <flie_name1> <file_name2>
diff3This command outputs the difference in text between three files. diff <flie_name1> <file_name2> <file_name3>
commThis command enables us to compare two files and displays the unique contents of file1, unique contents of file2 and those common to both in three separate columns.comm <file1> <file2> Options -1, -2, -3 can be used to suppress the display of the corresponding column.
lookThis command enables you to display a list of words from the system dictionary that begins with a specified string.look <string>
sortThis command is used to sort text in a file. When used without any options, it sorts the text alphabetically. It is a powerful command and can be used with many options to achieve the required result_list.txt | sort
joinThis command will allow joining of two lines under the consideration that both the lines have a specific value in common.join <file_1> <file_2>
cutThis command helps to remove certain sections of a line. This can be done based on tabs, commas, etc.cut -options <file_name>
ispell/aspellThis command enables a user to find detect misspelt words and replace the word or continue.ispell <file_name.txt> aspell -c <file_name.txt >
chcase/trThis command is used to change the uppercase letters in a file to <original_filename.txt> | chcase ‘[A-Z]’ ‘[a-z]’ > newfile.txt
fmtIt is a simple command for text formatting.  
pasteThis command can be used to put lines from two files together. It arranges the lines as per options used.paste <file_name1> <file_name2>
expandThis command will convert 2 tabs into spaces and output it.expand <file_name.txt>
unexpandThis command will convert spaces into tabs and display it,unexpand <file_name.txt>
uniqThis command is used to remove the duplicate entries from a file.uniq <list.txt>
nlThis command is used to add numbers to each line and indent the <file_name.txt>
perlThis command is used to search and replace text. perl -pi -e “s/search_string/new-string/g;” <file_name.txt> 
dos2unix/ fromdosThis command is used to convert Microsoft style end-of-line characters to Unix System end-of-line characters.dos2unix <file_name.txt>
unix2dos/todosThis command is used to convert Unix System style end-of-line characters to Microsoft System end-of-line characters.unix2dos file_name.txt
antiwordThis is a filter command that is used to convert Microsoft word documents into plain ASCII text documents.antiword file_name.txt
recodeThis command is used to convert text files between various forms of text encodings. By default, recode overwrites the file, hence it is suggested the user to use necessary options to avoid losing the original content.recode ..pc < file_name.txt > new_file.txt
enscriptThis command is used to convert text files to postscript, HTML, rich text file, etc. It goes with a number of options that helps to customize its output.enscript - -language=HTML original_file.txt -o output_file.txt
figletThis is a unique command that can be used to convert an ASCII art.  
grepThis command is used to search for a text within files. grep ‘search_word’ file_name.txt Options like v,n,w,A x, B x and/or r can be used to customize the output.
rgrepIt is recursive grep. It searches the respective subdirectories and files in the directory and displays the files names and the matching line.grep -r option can be used for the same effect.
fgrepThis command is used to find string literals only.fgrep ‘string literal’ file_name.txt


unitsIt helps to convert units of measurement between different scales.units – verbose To exit – CTRL+D 
pythonIt is a programming language that also makes a good calculator. This command executes the Python interpreter in interactive mode.python To exit: CTRL – D
numgrepIt searches for different occurrences of numbers, basically ranges, factors and sequences of numbers. numgrep /<expression>/


ifconfigThis command is used to configure network parameters.ifconfig -options
tcpdumpIt is a program that sniffs packets off network interface and interprets them.sudo tcpdump -I any : captures all packets in any interface.
pingIt sends echo requests to the specified host and lists the responses received in their round-trip ip_or_host_name To stop ping – CTRL + C
hostnameDisplays the hostname of the  
tracerouteShows the route of a packet.traceroute machine_name or IP
tracepathIt si similar to traceroute, however it does not take complicated options with it.tracepath machine_name or IP
findsmbIt lists information about machines that respond to SMB name queriesfindsmb
telnetThis command helps to establish connection between two hosts.telnet [hostname]
nmapIt is used to query machines, if they are up and which ports they are on.nmap machine_name
ip The ip command is used to perform network administration tasks. It can be used to set or delete ip addresses, verify changes, show routing table, change the default route, show network statistics, monitor netlink messages, activate and deactivate network interface and more.ip a (ip address) ip (link) ip -s(ip stats) ip tunnel ip r
hostLooks up the internet address using the Domain Name Server.host_ipaddress | host domain_name
digIt is the domain information groper tool which outputs IP address, hostname and various other information.dig -x <ip-address> returns the hostname dig works with various other options.
whoisUsed to look up contact information  
wgetUsed for downloading files from the world wide webwget file_url: gets a file from the url wget -m: archives a single website wget -nc: to avoid overwriting and already archived file. wget -c: to continue archiving a file that was previously unfinished. 
curlIt is used to download information remotely. It works without user interaction and supports many internet protocols. It can access dictionary servers, ftp, http, gopher,etc. curl -M: this will take you to its manual page. It has a lot many options going with it for accomplishing various tasks.


sshIt is used to securely connect to a remote server/system. It transfers data in an encrypted from between the host and the client.ssh user_name@host(IP/domain_name)
scpAllows copying of one file from one computer to another.scp machine-to-be-copied-from machine-to-be-copied-to scp -r: Used for recursive copying.
sftpSecure ftp. It is an encrypted version of the ftp command, which transfers securely over a network.sftp [user@]host[:file…] sftp [user@]host[:dir[/]] sftp -b batchfile [user@]host There are many other options that goes with this command.


md5sumComputes an md5 checksum to for the specified file_name to verify its integrity.md5sum file_name
mkpassword -1 10Gives a random password of 10 characters 


at‘at’ is used to execute a command once on a specified day, at a specified 22:00 Then type the command and press the end-of-file key.
at now+timeRuns the command at the + the time time specified. at -f shell_script  now+1hr
atqLists the job in the queue. It does not take any options. 
atrmRemoves a job from the at queue.atrm job_no
cronIt is used to schedule a particular function every minute, hour, day, week or month.anacron is a command used for machines which are switched off. It runs the command when the machine is next switched on.
crontabIt edits, reads and removes the files read by the cron daemon. -e – edits file -l – lists the contents of the file -u username – to works with other uses crontab file.
Shortcut Commands  
@rebootRuns the command at reboot 
@yearly | @annuallySame as 0011* 
@monthlySame as 001** 
@weeklySame as 00**0 
@daily | @midnightSame as 00*** 
@hourlySame as 0**** 

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