Watch Hikvision Cameras on Echo Show
Add Hikvision Cameras on Echo Show
In this article you will know how to add your Hikvision Cameras in Echo show. Please read the article and follow the guide which has explain below:
1. Hikvision cameras can not directly connect to Echo show but both devices can add into Alexa account.
2. For Add Hikvision cameras in Alexa account we need a RTSP Server (Monocle Server) this server will work as a media gateway and show the camera stream in Echo Show.
3. First create a Free Account in Monocle Server website
Click Here :
Watch This Video How to Create Free Monocle Account and Activate Monocle Server Account
Video Link: Coming Soon...
4. Now Create a Extra User Account in your Hikvision DVR, NVR or IP Camera and get the RTSP Link (Follow this Video to Create extra account for RTSP and Create a RTSP URL for Your Hikvision DVR Camera
5. Now Add Your Camera Details in Monocle Account. Follow the Picture
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