Etimetracklite License Key

Etimetracklite License Key

No Need Anymore

Concept:- ESSL Biometrics Attendance Machine store Logs of attendance, Logs are created by punches, 
Punches can be by Finger, Face, RFID Cards. Attendance logs transfer from Machine to Computer via TCP Port. That TCP Port is connect with Etimetracklite software and get logs in software to process logs and calculate hours of an employee. But Etimetracklite recently become Free to Paid Version and asking Approx 5000 India Rupees for Licence Key. 

Essl Biometric Attendance Machine use TCP Port 4370 by Default. which is embedded in Linux coding we can not change it easily. so we need a third party biometric company which is also using same TCP Port 4370.

I searched on google and found zkteco is a company which biometric attendance machine using same TCP port 4370.

I downloaded the Zktime attendance management program of zkteco and connect the Essl Machine with it. Machine was successfully connected.

Zktime Software Download Link:- (90 days) Trial Period 

Connect Essl Biometrics


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